You’re finding yourself tired of competing against so many other agents in a crowded city or town. Experts say there are things you can do if you’re willing to work a little harder than the average agent to start to stand out.
“We are no longer the gatekeepers of information for the population. We are still talking about our value as if it’s 1995. Agents have to realize buyers/sellers don’t need you as much,” says Joe Rand, Managing Partner, Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate.
Rand educates in a world where buyers can list their own homes on search sites, he says agents have to step up their game. He says the following 7 steps will set you apart.
What To Do Differently
1. Change the way you talk about marketing
Marketing used to be about distribution, but that is no longer a differentiator. You must sell sellers on your ability to get to buyers in ways that other agents don’t. It’s about the narrow target marketing you can do. Rand suggests talking to the seller. Ask why did you buy the house? Then, target that same kind of customer, because they will be similar to the seller when the seller bought the house.
2. Modernize your approach to collaborative pricing
Work with the sellers to set the price of the home. Don’t say, “I’m the expert, trust me” to the seller.
“The problem is they don’t trust you,” says Rand. “They’re worrying you will price low to sell quickly. Your job is to sit down and collaboratively talk with them about the market. Show them the unsold properties in their area. Help them see the reality. Let them make the decision of what to price the home.”
3. Incorporate staging as a core service
This helps you to add value to your customers.
4. Emphasize transaction management as a differentiator.
It’s one of the most important things agents do.
5. Change presentations into consultations.
Randd advises, “scripts don’t work. That’s not the way people converse. You can’t be guaranteed of answers they’ll give, to ensure a smooth following of your script. It should be more discussion based. Ask questions to find out what they want.”
6. Stop Annoying People
Send them marketing and info that is interesting to them, and be strategic about how you slip in a solicitation. Most importantly, make the stuff you send them relevant to them.
7. Take a service-oriented approach to lead generation
According to Rand, he says the philosophy is simple: it’s all about the client, and what the client needs from us. Pinpoint the client’s needs, figure out the best way to service those needs. Then, do the best job you can and develop the relationship.
Rand advises never tell your clients you are always available to them. Instead, be proactive about reaching out to them. Pick a time every week to check in with them and give them an update. And always use a checklist to make sure you execute perfectly.
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