“Quit with the desperation. Stop chasing business, and start extracting business,” said Chris Smith, Curyator.
Are you using social media to generate business? If you’re not creating and posting stories about your brand, then you are not.
“Posting a story is a huge opportunity for you. People have to click on it to see it. This leads to instant engagement,” adds Smith.
People like stories. They are 22x more likely to retain the information contained in the story than they would if they were just hit with a fact.
“You must put yourself on social media. Use your image. Make people be in awe of you because they see you everywhere. You are your brand,” counsels Smith.
The key to sales is very simple. You have to know exactly what to say.
There are things you can say to people to bring their guard down.
“I like to use the word “open-minded”. Hey, would you be open-minded to us bringing the price down? We think it’s over-priced.”
“You’d be surprised how this instantly changes the way people instantly open up to your suggestions,” said Jimmy Macklin, Curyator.
“Yesterday’s “wow”, becomes today’s “ordinary”, warns Jeff Bezos, Amazon.
What Do They Value?
Spend some time figuring out what people value.
*What saves them time?
*What are some things that reduce costs, or reduces anxiety?
Bring them into your tribe by offering an affiliation with your group.
Engage with Past Clients
Invite past clients to every one of your open houses. You may hesitate, thinking doing this would be bothering them, it would not be if you turned every open house into an experience. One agent staged an open house by inviting four local artists to display their works in the home. He not only sold the home, but he picked up more business, by creating a memorable experience for everyone who came.
People love experiences!
Every positive experience can be turned into an opportunity for a referral when you post about it. Use the content to teach others about you.
‘Your great service doesn’t guarantee loyalty. You must ask for referrals,” coached Smith.
He suggests taking a listing and emailing it out to your database as a “quiet listing”. Ask if anyone knows of someone who would be interested in the listing before it hits the market. It’s a great way to create exclusivity! Your sphere of past clients will feel like they are part of your group.